Enabling positive risk

Taking risks is an important part of living our lives the way we want, and is key to personal growth and development.

After this webinar you will have a better understanding of how to support people with disability to make decisions about their life that may involve risk, while minimising potential harm. Risk enablement empowers people with disability to live life on their own terms.
  • Duration: 1 hr 30min
  • Date recorded: 11 October 2022
  • Includes: Transcription and closed captioning
Price: A$66 includes GST.
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This webinar is part of our Supported Decision-making series and and can be purchased at a discounted rate in a bundle. This webinar takes a rights-based approach to supporting someone to make decisions around taking positive risks, with a focus on home and living.
People with disability and families can access this recorded webinar at no cost by emailing us.

Our panel of experts discuss:

  • The benefits that come with taking risks
  • How to think about the possible positive and negative outcomes from the risk
  • Risk and safeguarding strategies including capacity building, relationships and trust
  • Examples of enabling positive risk
  • Supporting the will and preferences of people who have complex support needs
  • Culturally sensitive and safe practices and supporting First Nations People’s connection to country and culture

About the presenters

Robert King - Pioneer and Filmmaker

Robert King has had a very dynamic 2 years. Robert spent more than 60 years living in institutions in the Hunter region.  It was only the closure of these institutions 2 years ago that enabled him to leave permanently.

Initially Rob moved to a group home with 4 other people and while there, he continued to work towards his lifelong dream of living in his own home by himself, with the privacy and freedom he yearned for.  Rob’s life changed when he moved into his own apartment in the city just over a year ago.

Since then, Rob has gained an extraordinary degree of capacity and independence with the use of assistive technology and skill building but most importantly, relationship building in his local area. Rob is a vendor for The Big Issue magazine and well known and regarded in his neighbourhood.

Rob is assisted by his circle of support – friends and family who join together to assist and support his decision-making. Rob’s circle of support is integral to his positive risk-taking and him living the life he has always wanted.

Jen Cush - Founding Member of Hunter Circles

Jen Cush is a founding member of Hunter Circles, an initiative to bring relationships into the lives of people with disability in the Newcastle and Hunter region. Jen and Rob have known each other for 8 years and Jen is the facilitator of Rob’s circle of support.

Jen’s career in community development and advocacy with people with disability has always focused on relationships, thinking outside the box and human rights.

Jacinta Douglas - Emeritus Professor at La Trobe University

Professor Jacinta Douglas is Emeritus Professor at La Trobe University. Jacinta’s qualifications span the disciplines of speech pathology, clinical psychology and neuropsychology. She has extensive research and clinical experience in the rehabilitation of adults with acquired brain injury (ABI). Her research contribution is internationally recognised and has advanced knowledge in the domains of interpersonal communication, psychosocial functioning and community participation following brain injury.

Her work focuses on maximising the ability of people with brain injury to participate fully in society across all levels of functioning. Jacinta leads the research partnership between La Trobe University and the Summer Foundation. The partnership develops and measures the outcomes of interventions related to the lifetime support of people with acquired neurological disability. Jacinta is a Fellow of the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment and the Speech Pathology Association of Australia and is founding co-editor of the multidisciplinary journal Brain Impairment.

Kate Hamilton, Cathryn McAdie and Marie Lyons - Eunoia Lane

Eunoia Lane was established in March 2018 in response to a wide gap in support coordination and occupational therapy services in the Northern Territory, and particularly in remote communities.

Kate Hamilton is Founder and Director of Eunoia Lane, who together with Cathryn McAdie, Service Quality Executive, and their team deliver best practice, client-centred and culturally appropriate and culturally safe services. They are passionate about Aboriginal health and wellbeing, connection to country and culture.

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This webinar is included in our Supported Decision-making bundle:

The bundle includes 4 webinars that will build your understanding of how to enable good supported decision-making.